Dr. Biodun Ogungbo
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mean you have seen the way men drive in Nigeria: fast and furious, in a
hurry to get nowhere! Might it be that the way a man drives is a
reflection of his bedtime activity? And, of course, I also wanted to
ask: Is the lack of good sex driving women to fat in Nigeria?
You must have seen the scene before,
where, after copulating, the man looked like the cat that got the cream,
while the woman looked despondent and was busy searching under the
pillow, the bed and in the wardrobe: for her orgasm!
Anyway, added to the above is the rising
incidence of rape, marital strives and divorce due to adultery, which
further underlines the problem. Every day, you hear of some woman killed
by an irate husband because of this issue.
For God’s sake, what is the fun in
forcing a woman to have sex, or by rape? Why would you date rape or even
rape your wife? The real joy is making a woman want you — just you —
again and again.
The problem
It seems that one of the biggest
problems men face is knowing how to make love to a woman! Unfortunately,
what commonly happens is that young men get their sexual advice from
friends or from pornographic films and books. As a result, they have a
distorted view of what it is actually about.
We need to re-educate men about what it
means to love a woman. Sadly, of course, I am not an expert on sex
matters and these articles are to inform, educate and, maybe, even to
just brighten up your day.
Here, for your reading pleasure, is the
synthesis of ‘How to make love to a woman’ from women’s point of view.
This is what women want.
Love-making, not sex
The first thing men need to know is that
women prefer to call it “making love.” ‘Sex’ sounds like a question and
is very clinical. Sex? Oh yes, I am female! Thank you very much. So,
this article is not an exposé on sex. If you want sex, then please see
the girls on Gimbiya Street in Abuja. Or sort yourself out!
However, if you really want to know how
to make love; if you want the woman to say, ‘Thank you’ afterwards or to
come over the next time, seemingly having forgotten her knickers at
home, then you should follow a proven system that is guaranteed to give
pleasure to a woman.
Communicating your interest and
intentions is very important. Ensuring that the woman of your dream
knows that you care about her, and want her, is important. However, talk
is also cheap, unless followed by good intentions and action.
Communication can also be subtle and non verbal.
A lot of Nigerian men do not engage in
making eye contact, holding hands, smiling, winking, stroking, cuddling,
kissing, laughing, embracing, etc.
Never forget that making love is a whole
body and mind experience. Cuddling, hugging and just being close
together reassure women and promise safety. Women say that a good number
of men are selfish partners who tend to initiate sex when it suits them
and have little or no thought about their partners. Some women go
through with it perfunctorily, as a duty.
Focus, timing, location
Planning, timing, focus and the right
location are important. A woman will more than likely agree to have you
if privacy is assured. Choose the location carefully, communicate the
idea early and allow her to simmer — just for you. For most women, sex
is in the mind: A woman needs to make love to you in her mind first.
Use protection
This is important and goes without
saying. An annoying trend noticed among Nigerian men is the fact that
they won’t buy their own protection (condoms). Why would you put your
woman to risk? Part of the protection also includes your personal
hygiene. Hygiene is important to women. Hygiene includes a bath, clean
noses, ears, trim nails and clean shave (including the armpits).
Also, please wash your hands before
touching a woman’s privates to avoid transmitting infection from car
doors and household things.
Pleasure and fun
Take your time and really enjoy every
individual sensation. That is how women do it. You need to learn how to
listen to a woman’s body. It will tell you what she wants, just like
yours tells her. Take it slow, so slow it hurts. It is rare that a slow
pace will bore a woman.
Ensure mutual fun
The goal of sex is not just your orgasm
but ecstasy for both partners. Love-making is not a movie set where
everyone concentrates on his/her script. You do need to listen to her
body — that is the most important thing.
While it is nice to occasionally focus
on her exquisite spot, keep moving, doing things with your tongue and
hands all over her. However, do not feel the need to work towards an
orgasm, and do not lose your confidence if she doesn’t come every time.
Some women like to talk after sex and
some don’t, so follow her cues. Talk to your woman, express your
pleasure, praise her prowess, subtly point out any shortcomings and
teach what she may seem to lack — so that she keeps getting better for
This is also the best time for cuddling. Most men hate this part, but many women only have sex at all to get to this part.
Okay. That’s it. Do feel free to read
and share widely. Also, please communicate by sending in your thoughts,
opinions and replies through the website. I cannot wait for your
thoughts on this interesting topic.