Bankole Adedeji
| credits: File copy
| credits: File copy
is not immortality. When you hear the word ‘sacrifice’ you are probably
scared, thinking something will be stolen from you, that you will lose
something you value and can’t live without. Sacrifice, to some people,
connotes loss. But, sacrifices, require the freewill to give up
something you love and cherish with a view to having a positive impact
on others. What sacrifice have you made recently?
I receive hundreds of updates across my
numerous social media platforms daily and I see some people making
sacrifices online. I have seen young Nigerians mentoring their peers and
even elderly ones while sharing their knowledge in broad areas of human
endeavours. I have seen people share the good and the bad aspects of
their life experiences just to give someone a glimpse of hope.
I have seen how gestures on various
social networking sites go the extra mile to save a life. Retweets and
status updates for people in dire need of help during emergencies abound
while such updates put a smile on someone’s face on the long run.
What can you say about your social media
activities? Your sojourn in social media world should involve sparing
some time to make one sacrifice or the other. That’s why the world
‘share’ is common on most platforms. To share something you value is a
Some months ago, I decided to unfollow a
close relation on Twitter. When he discovered I’d un-followed him, he
approached me, seeking to ascertain the reasons behind my action.
Without any restraint or feeling of guilt, I said it to his face that he
hadn’t made any positive contribution to me via social media. He was
quiet for a while. He felt bad about it. I decided to follow back last
weekend and I told him it wouldn’t be difficult to unfollow him again.
The fact is that the social media world
is a dynamic one. We are all connected one way or another. It is a
network; remember? Your updates can influence someone’s mood. Your
update is a catalyst. It stirs up reactions. What do you intend to share
on your update now?
Some people do take their time to get
the right content they would share. That is a sacrifice. They take time
to research; some have sleepless nights just to influence their world.
Some people sacrificed their time just to share their knowledge and
experience. I sometimes wish the social media sphere was a place where
everyone could positively influence the other person.
People often forget that whatever they
post online will be there for life. Recently, I audited my social media
activities and was surprised to find some things I did years back. Take a
careful look at what you have done on social media recently and check
how influential you have been.
Making a meaningful impact on social media requires a relentless sacrifice from you. Here are my suggestions:
Believe in yourself
The spiritual activist, author and
lecturer, Marianne Williamson, said in her famous quote, “Our deepest
fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure.” That says it all. Whenever you get messages
from your online followers, endeavour to share good and meaningful
contents with them. Be free. Be unique. Be yourself.
Are you a learner?
I’m connected to people I learn from.
Picking knowledge from different people and hearing their views makes
you a well of knowledge people can fetch from. If all of us can make
sacrifices to find meaningful materials and share them on social media, I
can see a social world full of people who are willing to learn and
share their knowledge as well.
Your time is not wasted
When people tweet at popular Twitter
handles such as @Gidi_Traffic to make an enquiry, if there is a retweet,
take time to see if you can be of help. Recently, someone tweeted,
asking for a doctor in a govternment hospital. From the content and tone
of the message, I sensed it was urgent. I sent her my friend’s contact –
a doctor in a government hospital.
A day later, she tweeted at me. She
thanked me, saying that I helped save her daughter’s life. It was a
sacrifice I had to make when it wasn’t convenient. Spare a minute or two
to reply an anonymous message on your social media timeline. It’s all
about sacrificing what you have for someone or something.
It’s high time you changed the way you
update your timeline with stuffs. Change your social media attitude.
Remember, a bad attitude is like a flat tyre. You can’t get very far
until you change it. Get up. Move forward. Sacrifice your time and