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Does your liver need an overhaul?

If you experience major, persisting health problems, either physical or emotional, your liver may be congested with toxic compounds that are trapped within clumps of hardened bile (intrahepatic stones).
Almost all health conditions, beauty problems and premature ageing are closely linked with declined liver performance which, most often, is elusive to blood tests.
Congestion in the bile ducts of the liver undermines the body’s effort to make proper use of the food you eat. This, in turn, may lead to numerous physical ailments and accentuated expressions of discomfort, including fear, anger, impatience, greed, depression, disease and cynicism. Cleansing the liver of existing obstructions and impurities can help restore balance, vitality and happiness in every facet of your life.
When the body complains…
Unlike the stomach, for example, the liver never tells you directly when it is upset or needs special attention. It tells you indirectly, though, when it starts to perform poorly. The following conditions are related to poor liver functions: skin irritation, weak eyesight, unhealthy bowel movements, irregular menstrual cycles, recurring headaches, unexplainable weight gain, loss of energy, sudden ageing, elevated cholesterol levels, most allergies, constricted blood vessels, bloated abdomen, fluid retention, gastrointestinal trouble, breathing difficulties, poor memory and concentration, pain in the joints or elsewhere in the body, brittle bones and any other major illness such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease.
The liver is responsible for processing, converting, distributing and maintaining the body’s fuel supply which consists of nutrients and energy. Impeding these vital functions not only affects the body’s performance as a whole, but also the health of every single cell. The liver cannot perform any of these functions properly if its bile ducts are clogged with deposits of hardened bile or ‘gallstones’ (made of gall or bile).
Gallstones are caused by a number of factors, including the modern fast pace of living, stress, imbalanced diets, disruptive lifestyle, use of medical drugs, stimulants and alcohol, and ingestion of chemical poisons such as food additives and artificial sweeteners. Bile duct congestion results in major impairment of digestive functions, thereby restricting the nutrient supply to the trillions of cells in the body. This makes gallstones in the liver to be a major cause of physical and emotional illness.
Liver, gallbladder flush
The liver flush mentioned in this context is a straightforward, safe and painless do-it-yourself procedure using apple juice (or malic acid), olive oil, citrus juice and Epsom salts to dispel gallstones from both the liver and the gallbladder. The actual liver flush takes place within a period of less than 14 hours and can be taken conveniently over a weekend at home. Although the liver flush is very easy to do, it is important to understand the process and follow all of the directions precisely.
Gallstones in liver, most common cause of illness
An estimated 20 per cent of the world’s population will develop gallstones in their gallbladder at some stage in their lives; many of them will opt for surgical removal of this important organ. This statistical figure does not account, though, for the many more people who will develop gallstones (or already have them) in their liver.
During some 30 years of practising natural medicine and dealing with thousands of people suffering from all types of chronic diseases, I can attest to the fact that each one of them, without exception, has had considerable quantities of gallstones in his or her liver. Surprisingly, only relatively few of them reported to have had a history of gallstones in their gallbladder.
Gallstones in the liver may be the main impediment to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. Gallstones in the liver may, indeed, be one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness.
Reaping the benefits
People with chronic illnesses often have several thousand gallstones congesting the bile ducts of the liver. Some stones may have also grown in the gallbladder. By removing these stones from these organs through a series of liver flushes and maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle, the liver and gallbladder can restore their original efficiency, and most symptoms of discomfort or disease in the body can start subsiding. You may find that any persistent allergies will lessen or disappear. Back pain will dissipate, while energy and well-being will improve.
Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Ridding the liver bile ducts from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful procedures you can apply to improve and regain your physical and emotional health.
By reopening the bile ducts, the body’s energy circuits become restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit.

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