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Putin lays out proposal to end conflict with Ukraine

Petro Zadorozhnyy/The Associated Press
Children played near Ukrainian soldiers in Shchastya on Wednesday, while Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Western leaders continued their chess game over Ukraine’s fate.
KIEV, Ukraine — On the eve of a NATO summit meeting focused on Russian aggression, President Vladimir Putin of Russia unveiled a seven-point peace plan for Ukraine on Wednesday while President Barack Obama and other Western leaders tried to keep the spotlight on the Kremlin’s role in stoking the conflict there and the penalties it should suffer for doing so.
Never at a loss for theatrical flair, Putin announced the plan soon after arriving on a state visit to Mongolia, brandishing a notebook page on which the first point was that both sides “end active offensive operations.”
Putin’s plan, jotted out during a plane ride over Siberia, muddied the diplomatic waters, leaving the West an excuse for delaying punitive sanctions that would also hurt European economies on the verge of a new recession. And it was expected to have some appeal to war-weary Ukrainians.
The ultimate effect, coming after Russian troops intervened in Ukraine last week to beat back a successful government offensive, may be to leave the country as a loose coalition that Moscow could still dominate, which critics of the Russian president say is his real aim.
The timing of Putin’s announcement was lost on no one, however, as he and Western leaders engaged in a global chess game over the fate of Ukraine.
In Tallinn, Estonia, Obama made some of his harshest comments to date about the Kremlin’s armed intervention in Ukraine and hinted that NATO might now be willing to provide military assistance to Kiev. France postponed delivery of one of two warships it is building for Russia.
NATO leaders, including Obama, are to meet in Newport, Wales, on Thursday to discuss bolstering the alliance, including a new rapid deployment force intended to respond to future Russian military threats and a reaffirmation of its commitment to its smaller members. In addition, European leaders are contemplating a fourth, harsher round of sanctions against Russia.
Wait a minute
Putin’s plan seemed to raise more questions than it answered. First, there was no mechanism for implementation. Second, just hours earlier, his own spokesman had repeated the Russian position, widely criticized as implausible, that Moscow could not negotiate a cease-fire because it was not a direct party to the conflict.
Analysts suggested that Putin’s strategy is to convince Kiev that it has no choice but to negotiate, not fight, and to reinforce the idea that the overall outcome depended on Moscow.
“Russia wants to show that it is in command of what is happening,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of a prominent Russian foreign policy journal. “For Russia, it is important first to prevent the Ukrainians from thinking that they could win militarily, and to accept the separatist leaders as partners in negotiations.”
The details of the peace deal were sketchy at best, entangled in complicated diplomacy and domestic politics. But it was clear from various, somewhat confused and contradictory statements that Putin and the Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, held an extensive discussion on the issue by phone early Wednesday.
At first, Poroshenko’s office issued a vague announcement that the two leaders had agreed to a “lasting cease-fire.” The statement was diluted later to say only that both leaders had endorsed the need for a cease-fire and that Poroshenko hoped negotiations would begin in earnest on Friday. Putin said his notes emerged from the telephone conversation.
In announcing the plan, Putin said he expected Ukraine and the separatists to wrap up an agreement after a new round of negotiations in Minsk, Belarus, on Friday.
Autonomy off table?
Aside from the cease-fire, the plan laid out by Putin called for Ukrainian artillery to pull back and out of range of the eastern separatists’ strongholds; an end to airstrikes; an exchange of all detainees; opening up humanitarian corridors for residents of the separatist areas; repairing damaged infrastructure; and deploying international observers to monitor the cease-fire.
It made no mention of autonomy for the separatist eastern regions, the central political demand that Russia has emphasized since March. That is widely seen as critical to the Kremlin’s long-term goal of maintaining influence over Ukraine’s domestic affairs and blocking any future attempt to join NATO.
A previous cease-fire collapsed after 10 days in June, and a long line of critics starting with Obama offered little hope that this plan might succeed.
“We haven’t seen a lot of follow-up on so-called announced cease-fires,” Obama said in Estonia.
In Kiev, the idea of a cease-fire was received with mixed emotions.
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk called Putin’s proposal “an attempt to confuse the international community” before the NATO summit meeting and the expected announcement of new sanctions from the European Union.
“Putin’s real plan is the destruction of Ukraine and the resumption of the USSR,” he said
But many Ukrainians want an end to the violence, horrified by the mounting death toll — more than 2,600 — and uneasy about the economic costs for a country already teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.
Neil MacFarquhar,
The New York Times

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